Outbound Provider Batam – salah satu program wisata favorit yang ada di Kepri. letaknya yang strategis karena berdekatan dengan 2 negara tetangga Indonesia yaitu Singapura dan malaysia, membuat Batam sangat dikenal oleh wisatawan domestik maupun mancanegara. ada banyak tempat wisata yang bisa dikunjungi mulai dari tempat berfoto selfie, kuliner, shopping, wisata religi, mengunjungi tempat bersejarah …

Ice Breakers
Consider using an ice breaker when: So What’s the “Ice”? When designing the ice breaker, think about the “ice” that needs to be broken.If you are bringing together like-minded people, the “ice” may simply reflect the fact that people have not yet met. If you are bringing together people of different grades and levels in …

Team Bonding
Team bonding batam is an ongoing process through which teams become closer and build trust and ease of communication. Bonding involves increasing loyalty to one another and to the team. One popular way of helping this process is through positive shared experiences in the form of fun activities.Team bonding circles around regular synchronous communication routines, …

Paintball Batam
Paintball Batam is an activity that everyone enjoys at the moment. This game is equipped with various tools such as goggles, uniforms, body protectors and Marker (Paintgun). Marin Paintball Batam located in nongsa offers various game scenarios such as elimination, predators, Capture the flag etc. absolutely very exciting – Paintball Nongsa Batam Marin Paintball Batam …

ATV Adventure in Batam
Get your adrenaline pumping on this private ATV adventure around nongsa forest. an amazing experience when we ride an ATV is being able to see the natural scenery around us. ATV adventure in Batam passing through local residents’ gardens and small forests in nongsa. The duration of the trip can be determined by yourself, from …

Family Gathering
Family Gathering adalah suatu kegiatan untuk mempererat hubungan antara karyawan beserta keluarganya. kegiatan biasanya berupa permainan yang seru dan diikuti oleh semua peserta baik anak2 maupun dewasa. family gathering di Batam sangat baik untuk membentuk keharmonisan dalam sebuah perusahaan maupun organisasi. kegiatan ini dapat merefresh lagi karyawan untuk kembali bersemangat dalam rutinitas sehari-hari di perusahaan. …

MUA Batam dan Rias Pengantin
MUA Batam dan Rias Pengantin – Make up artist ( MUA ) adalah salah satu bidang pekerjaan yang sangat menjanjikan saat ini. kenapa penulis mengatakan demikian karena ruang lingkup yang sangat luas meliputi, make up pengantin, pesta, wisuda,pre wedding, modeling, perayaan hari besar dan lain sebagainya. bukan saja kaum hawa, banyak jg perias pria bahkan …